Where the TTT leads.

Posted in IF General

You value movement. We value movement. You value fitness. We value fitness. You value nutrition (most of the time). We value nutrition (most of the time). You value health. We value health.

The 60 Minute Kids Club team has dedicated their lives – both personally and professionally – towards ensuring those values are ingrained in our social fabric & individual pursuits. Understanding that you are a part of the IF family, we’re confident you value all those healthy & active pursuits as well! Unfortunately, not everyone does and we want to change that.

This is the reason Innovative FItness has committed proceeds from 2015 Train the Trainer to support the 60 Minute Kids Club. Take a few moments to watch this TEDtalk from one of our founders. It helps showcase why we work to instill healthy habits in children and support those who support them grow up into capable, healthy & happy citizens 

These values are not reality right now. We know this thanks to the alarming statistics about Canadian childhood health. Need proof? Check out the ‘ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth’ to see where Canada sits among 15 other countries when we are measured for overall physical activity. Canada has received this grade for the past 3 years?

That’s why events like Train the Trainer are so important. You are not just taking part in this event to get back at your trainer for all the horrendously difficult workouts they’ve put you through (well, perhaps some of you are). You are also taking part in a joint effort to build healthy and active values into the next generation.

For all the burpees, squats & interval sprints you may dole out on your trainer on November, 27th 2015, 60MKC wants to thank you for supporting our future generations.

To learn more about the 60 Minute Kids Club programs and tools, take a look at these two short videos showcasing what we do with the donations we receive:

Healthy Habits Tracker and Challenge

Fundamental Movement Skills Tools

The 60 Minute Kids Club team


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