Top 5 Runs from IF Vancouver

Posted in IF General

Top 5 Runs From Innovative Fitness Vancouver

Living, working or spending the day in Vancouver? Why not take some time out of your day and enjoy one of these pre-planned run routes to take in some of the amazing sites around Vancouver.

Stanley Park 


  • Description: Starting from the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver, head down Howe Street to Hastings, then make your way toward the seawall. Follow the seawall along the water around one of Vancouver’s most spectacular attractions – Stanley Park.
  • Map:,
  •  Distance: 15km approximately

False Creek Loop


  • Description: Get a glimpse of some of Vancouver’s main attractions including, BC Place, Rogers Arena, Plaza of Nations, Science World, the Olympic Village, Granville Island, Burrard St bridge and back to downtown Vancouver
  • Map:,
  • Distance: 12km

 Lions Gate Bridge


  • Description: If you crave more mountainous views, take off onto the Lions Gate Bridge which connects Stanley Park to North Vancouver. The views are stunning as you pass by the mountains during the day or the bright city lights at night!
  • Map:
  • Distance: 24km

Lost Lagoon Lake 


Granville & Burrard Bridge Loop


  • Description: This run takes under 45 minutes – you’ll cross over the Granville Bridge to get a tour of Granville Island before heading back over the Burrard Bridge towards downtown Vancouver. If you would like to lengthen the run, check out 4th Street for some great shopping in Kitsilano!

If you want to find out more about these routes, feel free to contact Camille Hindley  at 

Camille Hindley,
Events Manager
Innovative Fitness Vancouver
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