You have been ignoring it for too long now. That nagging pain. Right there… and also a bit there. It’s trying to tell you something and here’s your push to figure out what it is saying.
Late in September I tore my meniscus while sailing. As a full-time athlete, my priority was to get this checked out and dealt with immediately. Every time I get injured I feel like I’m the only one until I find myself waiting for hours at the fracture clinic. It triggers a reminder that I know more than a few friends who have recently muttered that they cannot do a certain move because of a seemingly small physical injury, or are walking with a bit of a limp. The issue is, that these often aren’t the people going to get it checked out.
“We’ve convinced ourselves it’s easier to live with pain than it is to get treatment, which can be time consuming and costly, or even perceived as weak.” – Kirstyn Brown, Editor-in-Chief of Stay Strong
Based on my own experiences, sweeping these little ailments under the rug only makes for a bigger mess to clean up later. This month I am here to encourage you to check yourself before you wreck yourself! Nip it in the bud, and you’ll save yourself time, money, and a whole lot of pain.
Woman shoulder injury
Firstly, slow down and take note of where you are experiencing pain, discomfort, or lack of mobility. Secondly, make sure that your trainer knows what is hurting you so that they can help you address it and connect you to other specialists if necessary. Thirdly, commit the time to shop around for the preventative and rehabilitation treatments that work for you. This could become your go-to professional for all minor injuries years down the road.
Here is a list of just a few of the treatments that I have found useful as injury prevention and rehabilitation measures. Some are considered alternative medicine, while others are not. In my experience sometimes treatment styles vary from professional to professional and you have to almost forget their titles and simply shop around and experience what works best for you. Your personal trainer, physiotherapist, chiropractor or massage therapist should be able to provide these or help connect you with someone who can.
Sports Massage – a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissue. A variety of massage techniques exist and are performed on athletes or active individuals for the purpose of aiding recovery. It’s therapeutic effect works on your body by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems.
Active Release Therapy and Myofascial Release – both are hands-on techniques. Both are soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain. ART is a movement based massage technique. Myofascial release focuses on the fascial (connective) tissue and is an alternative medicine therapy. Both can help relax contracted muscles, improve blood circulation, and stimulate the stretch reflex in muscles. Some professionals specialize in these techniques. Ask your massage therapist if they do.
Graston Technique – a form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that helps clinicians to break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The technique utilizes specially designed metal instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. Other instruments used include F.A.T. tools.
Acupuncture – often my chiropractor and physiotherapist perform this on me and I find it most effective. Not nearly as scary or painful as getting a shot. There are different types of needling that include targeting musculoskeletal injuries or the underlying cause of those injuries. Often I also have a machine hooked up to these needles depending on the treatment. Discuss with your professional to figure out what will benefit you most.
Other treatments to consider include laser therapy, performance taping and shockwave therapy. Many of these treatments are used in conjunction with others.
Every body is different but the best treatments I have had have come from professionals that were recommended to me by friends I trust. My advice is to ask others to share their experiences with you and find referrals that way. Even if you aren’t a high performance athlete, put your mind and future bank account at ease by stopping and giving your body the attention it needs now. Treat your body like a temple; it’s the best asset you have.
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Claire Merry
Canadian Sailing Team
IF Sponsored Athlete
Innovative Fitness
Toronto Ritz-Carlton
Innovative Fitness Oakville
p. 416.572.8000 / c. 416.660.5429
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