
Posted in IF General


Short-sighted, reckless, irresponsible, and foolish.

There are hundreds of ways it can be described, but what it ultimately breaks down to is mistakes.  Mistakes and errors are a part of the human condition.  You can put all the foolproof barriers in place that you want, but, somehow, some way, something will inevitably go wrong.

I think we all know where this may be heading. Yes, I made a mistake.

In my last article, I wrote about how I was embarking on a year of competing in the newest craze to sweep the nation – obstacle course racing.  And, after taking about 4 months off, this past weekend was the date of my very first event of the year.  It was to be run just outside sunny Los Angeles…and that in itself might be enough of a giveaway.

I had been preparing myself both mentally and physically for this upcoming season – building up my strength, getting fully healthy, and working on some running mechanics.  Then I found myself the day before the event looking to relax and take some mental break time.  At that point, the sands and sun of Santa Monica were a-calling.  And was it ever a sweet siren’s call.  The beach-life took a tight hold on me. Here come those darn mistakes.

Any type of nutrition and hydration advantage I had going into the event was now completely nullified.  I found myself the day of the race quite dehydrated and, halfway through the race, battling headaches and nausea from it.

Short-sighted, reckless, irresponsible, and foolish.

Okay, mistakes do happen and we all have to understand this.  The real test, the real show of strength, perseverance, courage, and human mettle is what happens next.  Do you let it beat you?  Do you let it eat away at you?  Do you let it cloud your thoughts and influence your future actions?

No. Do not let it.

You own up to it.  You take that mistake and squeeze all the positivity out of it that you can get.  Take a life lesson from it and get rid of everything else.  There is no point in dwelling on something that has come to pass, that cannot be changed.  Accept it for what it is and move forward.  Let it motivate you to do and to be better.

My first event of this year did not go as I envisioned it.  I took some time and dissected why.  That process has made me even more focused on what needs to happen before my next event.  I am hungrier now than just a few weeks ago.  I’m ready for the next one.  Time to move on and time to move forward.

Jonathan Schouten, B. Kin.
Training Coach
Innovative Fitness Abbotsford
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