Key Motivators & Self-Inspired Ways To Keep Active

We had the opportunity to interview Richard Go, one of IF North Vancouver Professional Training Coaches on Motivation and Fitness topic. Let’s find out on how motivation plays a big role in his and Innovative Fitness members’ lives.

Q: What do you use as personal motivation to maintain being healthy and active? 

A: Finding personal motivation in order to stay healthy and active, or even begin to build a health routine can be a challenge. I found a system that personally works for me to ignite my motivation. I set long term goals for myself, such as a race or marathon. am making a habit out of exercising every day. This type of goal setting reinforces my everyday motivation, whether that means going to the gym or running outside. I am focused on training and creating a healthy and active lifestyle to help myself in reaching those goals I have set

Q: Do you have different forms of motivation for both short and long-term goals? 

believe that short-term motivation is a stepping stone that allows you to reach long-term goals. 

A: Short term motivation might include some helpful tricks that you create for yourself that ensure you are making the time for daily exercise. Whether your short-term goals are to eat better, or even be more positive, these types of motivational tricks could assist you in reaching those goals you have set for yourself long-term.

Q: What types of motivation do you find most helpful amongst Innovative Fitness members?  

A: Motivational tricks that I find most helpful with the members are usually different with every person, but ‘rewards’ have been known to work pretty well as a key motivator. This could mean planning a vacation to celebrate your success with all your hard work, or buying something for yourself, basically allowing the client to feel gratification for all the progress they have made.

Another motivator for clients is creating penalties. Penalties can be presented as something the client has to do that they don’t want to necessarily. For example, returning an item of clothing they recently bought, or perhaps cutting back on cheat days. You want the client to refrain from falling back into bad habits, so penalties help install good habits instead. 

Q: Can you tell me about a personal experience in which you needed strong motivation to continue being active, or work towards a goal?

A: A personal experience that gave me an opportunity to dig for extra motivation was when I was suffering from a chronic back injury. This taxed my usual motivation because everything I did physically, hurt and gave me a lot of discomfort. I went to great lengths to get better, extensive rehabilitation really helped and allowed me the opportunity to get motivated through learning how to re-establish my physical heath. These rehab sessions for my back gave me a lot of motivation to work towards getting better and further preventing future back pain so I could continue living my active life. 



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