Golfer’s Corner – Swing Extension

In the golf swing, extension is the prerequisite to being able to rotate efficiently.

Adequate rotation allows for a greater backswing and follow through range of motion. This increases overall shot making ability and control; it also improves distance due to a larger and longer arc to transfer force through.

A great exercise to help increase upper and lower body extension is the half kneeling, assisted overhead reach. Here’s how it works. Grab a band of a tolerable resistance and wrap it around your right thigh. Place that same knee down on the floor (use a pad) with the left foot directly in front of your right knee. With a golf club in the palms of your hands, push your hips forward (going with the band tension) and reach backwards with your upper body exhaling as you extend. Be sure to keep the heel of the lead foot on the ground.

Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg to help you extend more efficiently in your golf swing.

For more golf fitness tips and tricks contact Nick Mueller at

Nick Mueller
Director of Golf Performance
Innovative Fitness – White Rock
P: 604.536.1355
C: 778.868.2827
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