Hopefully you’re aware of this by now, but it’s summer. Summer brings pretty great things- beach days, barbeques, cold beers, sitting around and eating. But let’s bring it back to reality, just a bit: when was the last time that you sweat? More directly, when’s the last time you sweat and it wasn’t a result of high temperatures, being inside, or eating that insanely spicy jalapeño smokie?
It’s natural. It’s beautiful outside, the kids are home and there are parties, pools, and lakes just waiting for us. There are awesome summer activities that are difficult to do in the winter time. These activities should not be the extent of our summer plans though. Isn’t it a bit ironic that during the most beautiful time of the year, we tend to move the least? And isn’t it even more bizarre that this place we live in has some of the most amazing outdoor activities that nature has to offer, and most people don’t take advantage of this?
Lifting weights, and getting stronger will always have a place in any proper exercise program. However, I’ve had this conversation with many people, and I still stand by this statement: If you want to get healthy, both physically and mentally, go hike, run or bike up a mountain.
Don’t believe me? Next time you’re perusing the internet, search anything related to being outdoors and mental health. It’s pretty clear what the consensus is.
There are two things I want you to remember:
1) Get outside, then get moving! Make some time every weekend. Put the 11am beer down and finally do that hike, or polish up the bike, or even be that crazy mom who actually plays with her kids at the playground instead of sitting on the bench staring at her cellphone.
2) Sign up for the Adventure Challenge. While you’re outside becoming physically and mentally healthier, talk to your IF coach and sign up for the Innovative Fitness Adventure Challenge on September 11th. You’ll be ready for it with your outside activities, and you’ll be supporting two amazing charities- Sport for Life and I Am Someone – all in the process.
Jonathan Schouten, B. Kin.
Professional Training Coach
Innovative Fitness Abbotsford
P: 6047463923
Life IF – https://www.facebook.com/InnovativeFitnessAbbotsford/
Watch IF – www.YouTube.com/InnovativeFitness1