IF Kits Coach Of The Month: Pamela Haaf (Interview 1)

Posted in IF Insights

60 seconds with Pamela Haaf from IF Kits.

Describe yourself:

I’m a positive and energetic person with a lot of love and appreciation for the life I’ve been given. I love friends, fun, and adventure, being cheeky, and telling stories.

What is your next big personal CHALLENGE? 

After the Kilimanjaro trip in Jan with members from IF Kits, I want to run a marathon in 2016.

What personal ADVERSITY have you had to overcome to be successful?

Unexpected loss – people, jobs, financial security, and coming out on the other side has made me so much more appreciative when the glass is more than half-full.

What has been your biggest personal VICTORY at Innovative Fitness? 

Being able to orchestrate the first transcontinental destination event in many years for 2016, and this year, running across BC to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS.

What is your biggest member success story:

When Carla and I ran run club, seeing what a beautiful impact meeting together once a week was. Not only did all of our run club members sign up for the Tofino trip in the fall, they all participated in at least one more run after Scotiabank and were always asking about when our next group trip would be.

Have a great 2016.

Pamela Haaf, 

Professional Training Coach and Events Manager
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano
p. 604 714 1661
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