Back to School Workout Routine

It is reasonably safe to say that the summer is not great for most of our fitness regimes. There are a few of us who ride bikes and hike all summer long, which helps offset summer BBQ’s and cold beer in the backyard. But for most, the warm weather and free time get the best of us. Back to school season rolls around and suddenly it’s time to start taking your fitness routine a bit more seriously than walking from the pool to the lawn chair and back.

September has some big upsides when it comes to getting into a fitness routine. School season is a time for organizing schedules and for some of us, those schedules are focused around kids and their never-ending list of teams, friends, and a litany of other time-sucking events that can prevent you from getting in that much-needed workout. For others, those schedules are focused on attending school itself.


Tips and Tricks:

The number one key to fitness is routine and consistency. Way too much time is spent on “what” we are doing instead of “how” we are making it happen. There are a few tricks you can employ to ensure that you are taking care of more than just the kids this fall, and it starts with being prepared. Make sure you always have running shoes and gym clothes in your car. If you are sitting and waiting for practice/camp/class/playdates to come to an end, you can get a workout in. Go for a brisk walk or a run, or perhaps even get in a mini-training circuit while you wait. Maximize your ever-so-precious moments by getting in a quick workout – a 30-minute workout is better than none!

Sample Circuit:

Here is a good simple circuit you can do anywhere: 

  • Brisk 5 minute walk or jog
  • Body weight squats x 20
  • Push ups or modified push ups 
  • Lunges or walking lunges x 20
  • Planks
  • Glute bridges or single leg glute bridges
  • Brisk 5 minute walk or jog
  • Repeat the above as time allows

A routine like the above is simple and easy to replicate. Remember the key is getting yourself moving. If you don’t want to be “that person” doing the workout in the parking lot, you can simply find somewhere to do a brisk intentional walk or, for an added challenge, find some stairs.

Active Alternatives:

Another great option for getting into a new routine is to join a club or a team. For example, rec soccer leagues or running groups that meet on a regular basis have fun while getting in a great workout. As an added bonus, anything involving a team or group will have some built-in accountability – a perfect way to stay on schedule!

Get moving!

There are lots of options when it comes to staying active, from having time in your schedule to joining a group or being “that” person doing circuits in the parking lot. The key is to just make it happen. #NoExcuse


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