On March 29th, Vancouver experienced a serious soaking, with episodes of torrential downpours throughout the day. Instead of staying indoors, IF Vancouver and IF Kits ventured off to UBC to hit the Wreck Beach stairs. Luckily, the group stayed partially dry due to the beautiful trees that run along UBC’s Wreck and Tower beach.
The workout began at Tower Beach, where everyone walked down the set of stairs and then sprinted to the top. They then proceeded toward Trail 4, where there were another set of stairs to sprint and then finally, reached Wreck beach stairs for a final dash. The workout finished up with a jog back toward Tower Beach. Each set of stairs are about 500 steps – which equates to a decent 3-5 minute haul to the top – with a pleasant recovery jog in-between.
Following the workout, the majority of the group gathered for a delicious brunch at The Local. The wet weather didn’t stop the crew and it shouldn’t stop you! For more fun outdoor events, talk to your coach and sign up for an event! Remember, there is no time like TODAY to start hitting your goals.
Condizioni di trasporto. È importante scoprire se il luogo farmaco prevede condizioni di conservazione particolari. Ad esempio, le compresse possono essere trasportate a quasi tutte le temperature e umidità, mentre fiale, creme e unguenti possono essere difficili da trasportare.
Camille Hindley,
Events Manager
Innovative Fitness – Vancouver
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