How to start your day the happy way!

Stop the snoozing

We’re all guilty of hitting the snooze button too many times in the morning. But bopping the button can actually disrupt your sleep cycles, which leads to less restful sleep. It might also affect cognition and can leave you feeling more tired when you get up.

Tip: If you’re still having trouble, try this app! [] (It charges you $1 every time you hit the snooze button)


Attempting to exercise in the morning can be quite the challenge. However, there are certain types of exercise—such as stretching—that can be especially effective in the early morning. All you need is an extra few minutes!

Stretching in the morning not only increases your blood flow, helping to wake you up faster and increasing your concentration, but it can also prevent aches and pains in muscles and joints. Stretching can help improve your posture, and is a great way to loosen up your muscles!

Check out this great 5 minute stretch routine [] to get you going in the morning!

Water is your best friend

Drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning is a great way to get your body going.

When you wake up in the morning you’ve just gone without water for about 8 hours, so it’s important to turn things around and start up the flow of water again. What you don’t want to do is leave out the water and go along with your day, having breakfast and other beverages before addressing your need for water.

Eat better, not less

Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.

Crank the tunes

Listening to music is a great way to improve your mood and start your day with a natural high! When you listen to music that you enjoy, your brain releases dopamine, a “feel-good” endorphin that helps start the day in a good mood. Tip: Be sure to sing along, tap your feet to the beat to get the most benefit!

Make your bed

Something so simple really can make a difference to your mood. Making your bed in the morning gives you a sense of accomplishment (even if it is a small one). It also helps to declutter your space; a decluttered space helps to lower stress levels. Clutter is a constant reminder of being unorganised and can really bring your mood down, whereas a tidy space is very calming. Who doesn’t want some calm in the midst of chaos?

Use your body to trick your mind

It could be something as simple as smiling at yourself in mirror for 30 seconds or laughing at some funny cat videos. However you do it, adjusting your physiology changes your brain and helps you focus. So stop slouching and get moving! Smile, laugh and enjoy the day.

Make a to-do list. Check!

If you lead a busy life, chances are that things fall through the cracks on a daily basis. To help stop this from happening you should list the three things you really want to get done today, and above all else, make sure they get done. Once you establish the habit of getting the most important three things of the day done, you’ll be able to build up confidence and go for bigger and bigger things!

Inspire yourself – you deserve it

Those cheesy motivational posters exist for a reason. Tack up some inspiration from a person you admire to give yourself some encouragement!


Bret Hodge
Club Manager
Innovative Fitness Kitsilano
p. 604 714 1661  / c. 778 388 9125
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