So You Don’t Run?

Posted in IF Insights

When I first started at Innovative Fitness I was really into Powerlifting, a competitive sport involving three tests of strength: the bench press, squat, and deadlift. I hadn’t been for a run in years. While I have since changed my focus and incorporated more cardio into my training, I still am constantly looking for events other than running to get involved in. I have heard the same thing from many members when talking about events and setting goals- “Heather, I don’t run” or “I hate running”.

So if you’re looking for something fun and exciting to train for that isn’t a run, here are some of my top ideas:

1. The Grouse Grind: Anytime, spring to fall. A 2.9KM trail up the face of Grouse Mountain, climbing 2,830 steps up the mountain.

2. Gran Fondo: July 10th Pentiction or September 10th Whistler. Bike races anywhere from 55KM to 160KM.

3. Tofino Surf Trip with IF: May 20th-23rd. Surfing, hiking and relaxing. (There will be surf lessons for anyone wanting them.)

4. Spartan Races: June 4th. A 5K obstacle course race where you attempt to run through numerous obstacles as fast as possible (I will admit, some running is involved in this one.)

5. Hike with IF! There will be many hikes set up throughout the summer. Pick a mountain and tackle it!

And finally, my favourite one:

6. Moving better! Everyone should be able to master 7 basic movement patterns- Push, Pull, Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Rotate and Have a proper gait/walk. An event could be training for your daughter’s or granddaughter’s 2nd birthday party, where you can sit in a low squat with her and help her open her presents.

The purpose of setting goals and training for events is to help us have something to focus on when we are tired and sore and want to give up. It’s to prove to ourselves that we CAN accomplish great things. Set the bar high and let us, as coaches, help you get there, whether that is a Spartan Race, a half marathon or picking up your granddaughter on her birthday with a proper deadlift form and not hurting your back. All of those things are worth training for, and all of those things will get a HUGE high five from me.

Heather Thornton
Professional Training Coach
Innovative Fitness Vancouver

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